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NT$150 MILLION: Assets committee unfreezes funds for KMT payroll
The Supreme Administrative Court last year suspended the committee’s order freezing two KMT bank accounts and eight uncashed checks, but the committee immediately issued another freeze.
The committee has frozen a total of NT$信用瑕疵房貸920 million in KMT assets, but about NT$230 million had been released prior to yesterday to allow the party to pay salaries and labor and health insurance fees.
The committee regrets the ruling, but respects it, spokeswoman Shih Chin-fang (施錦芳) said, adding that the freeze order had been issued because the KMT had not been tran高雄汽車借款免留車sparent in handling its assets.
The KMT can negotiate with the committee if it has to sell some of its properties, such as its local branches, should the NT$690 million not be enough to信用不好如何借錢 cover the layoff expenses, Koo said.
新聞來源:民間信貸台北TAIPEI TIMES
In related news, the Taipei High Administrative Court yesterday ruled against the committee in the freezing of NT$740 million in KMT assets.
高雄民間代書貸款“The KMT after Jan. 31 will be a very different party. It will be totally funded by legally acquired income, which will be an epoch-making development for Tai農地持分貸款wan,” he said.
“Jan. 31, when the party settles all its due payments, will be the end of the era where the KMT funded its operations with [ill-gotten] assets,” Koo said
By Chen Wei-han / Staff reporter
The committee approved the KMT’s request to access NT$150 million in frozen assets to cover this month’s salaries, year-end bonuses and other bonuses, committee chairman Wellington Koo (顧立雄) said.
However, it will not be allowed to dispose of the assets of its presumed affiliates, including Central Investment Co (中央投資公司) and Hsinyutai Co (欣裕台股份有限公司)台灣銀行借款利率, he said.
台新銀行車貸“It will be a significant moment for achieving transitional justice and will create a fair competitive environment for political parties,” he said.
The KMT’s downsizing plan would prevent玉山銀行小額信貸試算 it from using presumably illegally obtained assets to cover its payroll expenses, as the Act Governing the Handling of Ill-gotten Properties by Political Parties and Their Affiliate Organizations (政黨及其附隨組織不當取得財產處理條例) states that parties have to use legally acquired income to pay for salaries of new employees hired after the act was promulgated.
The withdrawal will leave the KMT with about NT$690 million in cash in its bank accounts, seven uncashed checks and a payment owed by the Chang Yung-fa Foundation.
The KMT appe新車全額貸條件a債務更生條件led the second order, and the Taipei High Administrative Court ruled in its favor.
代書貸款對保The frozen money, though likely to be recognized as ill-gotten assets, are key to the KMT’s survival, and the freeze has severely limited the party’s operations, causing the party to delay salary payments 新竹代書借款and dismiss hundreds of employees, the ruling said.
The Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlem房貸比較ent Committee yesterday announced the lifting of a freeze on about NT$150 million (US$4.77 million) worth of Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) assets, allowing the party to pay its workers this month amid efforts to downsize its operations.
The KMT in August last year cashed a check of NT$5.2 million allegedly for payroll purposes, but transferred the money to a personal account in an apparent attempt to hide the funds and did not report the transfer to the committee, Shih said.
As the KMT could not be expected to duly report the management of its properties and assets, the committee had to impose the freeze to preserve the party’s assets, she added.
The KMT is to lay off all of its 738 employees on Tuesday next week and rehire 310 the following day. The NT$690 million will be used to pay for severance pay and pensions.
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